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Empress Divine

Writer's picture: Empress DivineĀ®Empress DivineĀ®

People ask me all the time...Why do you like taking photographs? To answer that, Photography is my therapy, it allows me to heal all my personalities all while telling a story unto myself. It's never about the on lookers. I take photos for me. To simplify the answer. It makes me Happy!

People ask me all the time...Why do you like taking photographs? To answer that, Photography is my therapy, it allows me to heal all my personalities all while telling a story unto myself. It's never about the on lookers.

I take photos for me. To simplify the answer. It makes me Happy! With a still image, the eye has the luxury of time to explore and see A moment in time has been frozen, preserved forever, but also never to come again. In essence, pictures help us remember. They are the closest we have yet come to true time travel, to allow us to go back and experience the feelings we had, and remember. Could it be that it is the process of stopping time, allowing us to examine a scene in detail, consciously appreciating all the things that are normally only ā€œnoticedā€ on a subconscious level?

Maybe itā€™s a way for us to make a statement that ā€œI was here. I existedā€ The proof is in the pictures.

We document our lives, our experiences, not necessarily for the purpose of sharing them with others, but more as mental cue cards to help us recall with greater clarity, the experiences of our lives. Memory is malleable, and over time details become lost, or changed. And what we remember may not actually be what ā€œwasā€. This type of shooting is more than just a documentary of our lives, but rather and emotional journal. Capturing a mood, or a feeling, and attempting to express We each carry our own filter through which we see

the world, and the same image can speak in many different ways to different people. It all depends on each individuals own personal frame of reference, how their life experiences up to that point have colored their filter. An image that means very little to me can have a profound effect on another person if it strikes some sort of personal chord with them.that feeling in an image.

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